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Florida Has Its Own Hidden Pyramid & You Can Visit For Free

It's a hidden pyramid of unity.🤝

Sitting in the heart of this Central Florida town is a surreal pyramid hidden in plain sight. Once you find it and your eyes gaze upon it, you will be astonished by its size and stature. This pyramid is the Monument Of States near Orlando.

Built right in the middle of downtown Kissimmee, the Monument of States is a cross between a pyramid and obelisk, and it has an interesting history behind its conception and construction.

The monument itself serves a symbol of American unity, and today, it has become one of Florida's most unusual and fascinating oddities.

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A symbol of American unity

The Monument of States was built in 1943 as a sign of American unity.

Two years prior to its construction, America was brought into World War II by the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.

The man behind the monument was Dr. Charles Berssler-Pettis, who wanted the Monument of States to not only be a show of unity among the American people but also as an attraction to lure tourists to Kissimmee.

It became a prime tourism attraction until the dawn of the 70s when Disney World sucked tourists from the monument.

Thankfully, it was restored to all its former, oddball glory.

What does the monument consist of?

The pyramid was built out of stones that came from 48 states.

Each state donated a piece of rock that was unique to their location. In addition, the monument was made out of a rock collection personally cultivated by Bressler-Pettis.

When looking at the monument, you may notice that two states are missing — Alaska and Hawaii.

The reason why those two states were omitted from the Monument of States is that they weren't part of the United States at the time.

The monument is topped with a blue ball with an eagle and an American flag.

Is there an admission fee to see this monument? 

There is no admission fee to see the monument.

You can get as close to the monument as you want, and you can even sit or stand on it, making it a great spot to take a selfie with just you or your crew.

The pyramid sits near the north shore of Lake Tohopekaliga, and the nearby park contains spots where you can relax and watch the sparkling currents of the lake.

It's shrouded by trees, so it isn't an easy landmark to find, but once you do, you won't be able to resist the urge to take a picture with this symbol of unity.

Monument Of States

Price: FREE

Address: 300 E. Monument Ave., Kissimmee, FL 

Why You Need To Go: This massive hidden pyramid serves as a symbol of American unity. 

Before you get going, check our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and most of all, be respectful on your trip.

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